Planning Resilient Communities

I'm Serena Klaver - A Registered Professional Planner and Health Advocate
on Vancouver Island

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How We Foster Resilient Communities

True resiliency can be defined by the power of recovery; resistance to adversity. Planning for resilience in our communities does not mean planning to withstand events that result from change. Planning for resilience means working to understand the potential shocks and stresses our communities will face as a result of change-related events and planning to ensure that our communities can continue to function, operate and thrive despite them.

We can build resilience over time by how we process events in our lives. True resilience can be strengthened by expressing gratitude. We can always strive to be self-reliant, and this is of value in our lives, however, without a doubt we need others. Let’s be both honest and open to this. Let’s build communities founded on humanity and resiliency. Let’s start with ourselves.

Through capacity awareness practices we can develop resilient capacity-building strategies together. With the development of courageous dialogue, acknowledgment of change, and empathy, we can approach building resilient relationships and communities sustainably.


on Empathy

My Approach

To me context is key. Identifying clear intentions help us break down big ideas or ideals into incremental steps to help us bring life to these dreams and desires. I deeply value possessing a belief in abundance, focus, discipline, accountability, community, truth, and integrity; this allows solutions and successes in my life and others to be reached. At the very core of my belief and knowing is the value in connection. I am committed to facilitating more authentic connections with yourself, your team, and your communities.

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Serena Klaver

Serena Klaver, M.A. is a Registered Professional Planner & Health Advocate based on Vancouver Island.

Today I possess over a decade of experience in customer relations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors specializing in identifying individual and community needs, developing enhanced systems, and creating strategic plans to help move initiatives in the direction of sustainable and lasting impacts, while developing greater resiliency at individual and community levels. 

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Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you cannot practice any other virtue consistently.

― Maya Angelou

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Klaver Strategic Planning

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